Oh, the Places I’ve been!

I thought it would be fun to look at when and why I first played bridge in each of the 50 states and D.C., so call it 51. I’ve been to all 51, just haven’t played bridge in all 51 yet! Of course I’ve played outside of the U.S. as well so those places get a mention. If you’re interested in where, when and why I got my start in the states I have played bridge in, then click on these links! I’m going to try to add 3 states in 2025!

Part 1. States 1 to 9, Years 1964-2005, MO-OH-KS-AK-WA-MI-LA-IA-CO

Part 2. States 10-16, Years 2006-2007, AZ-TX-IL-PA-HI-TN-MN

Part 3 States 17-20, Years 2007-2008, CA-NM-NV-MA

Part 4 States 21-25, Years 2009-2013, D.C.-OK-KY-FL-GA

Part 5 States 26-27, Years 2014-2018, RI-SC

Part 6-States 28-29 , Years 2024-, NE-AR and still to go!

Part 7 Foreign Travel