Inter-Club Duplicate

Join us again in 2025?  Indian Hills Country Club, 6847 Tomahawk Rd., Mission Hills, KS.  Start time:  4:30. If you would like to play contact Kathy or Betsy Allen. Cost $10, at least as long as we can afford it!  This is a shorter game; we are usually done by 7:15. 

Not a member of ACBL yet?  Want to be?  Click here to join!

Nov. 12 Game Results. Hand Records for Nov. 12

2025 dates!

Jan. 21 & 28

Feb. 4 & 18 (Club Championship)

March 4 & 25

April  15 & 29 (Club Championship)

May 13 & 27

June 3 & 17

July 1 & 15 (Club Championship)

Aug 5 & 19

Sep. 9 & 23

Oct. 7 & 21 (Club Championship)

Nov. 4 & 18

Contact Betsy or Call Kathy at 816-237-0519 or email her to sign up.

This is an invitational club with limited space.  You have to be approved to come before coming.

So enjoyed it when both my sons played together at the July 13, 2021 game! Hadn’t seen them together in over 18 months!