Inter-Club Duplicate

Join us again in 2025?  Indian Hills Country Club, 6847 Tomahawk Rd., Mission Hills, KS.  Start time:  4:30. If you would like to play contact Kathy or Betsy Allen. Cost $10, at least as long as we can afford it!  This is a shorter game; we are usually done by 7:15. 

Not a member of ACBL yet?  Want to be?  Click here to join!

Feb. 4 Game Results    Hand Records

Jan. 28 Game Results.  Hand Records

Jan. 21 Game Results

2025 dates!

Feb. 18 (Club Championship)

March 4 & 25

April  15 & 29 (Club Championship)

May 13 & 27

June 3 & 17

July 1 & 15 (Club Championship)

Aug 5 & 19

Sep. 9 & 23

Oct. 7 & 21 (Club Championship)

Nov. 4 & 18

Contact Betsy or Call Kathy at 816-237-0519 or email her to sign up.

This is an invitational club with limited space.  You have to be approved to come before coming.

So enjoyed it when both my sons played together at the July 13, 2021 game! Hadn’t seen them together in over 18 months!

Mo-Kan Bridge Academy

Sign up for future Friday games by 5 p.m. on the day before.   Games are held May into August.  Next Game May 30, 2025.

This is an 18 to 21 board game, beginning at 10:30 and done around 1 p.m.  Games will cancel if at least 12 people have not pre-registered.  Vaccinations recommended.

See all game results here.

Mo-Kan Bridge is just getting started.   Their first duplicate game is offered at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Lee’s Summit on Fridays, from 10:30 to 1.  There will be a variety of directors directing this game, but I will be the director for many of the games.  There will be both a novice section (for those with less than 50 masterpoints) and an open section, provided there are at least 3 tables per section.  If both sections cannot be run, then one combined open section with stratification will be played instead. Partners are guaranteed if you can’t find your own on any given day.  (This might mean you play with the director, in which case you would be playing in the open section.)

Cost is $8 or less.  Please check out the Mo-Kan Bridge Academy website for details on costs and this game.

Check out the website and donate to help bridge grow in our area.

check out the website for the Summer 2024 Youth Lessons.  Summer 2024 Flyer 

Playing Lessons

I will play with you online in a 12 board tournament.  This includes a 15 minute phone call going over the convention card prior to the tournament followed by up to 20 minutes going over hands after the tournament.  Cost for this online play is $15 plus my entry fee.  Email, call, or text to set up a time and I’ll meet you online!  An 18 board tournament is $25 plus my entry fee.  

I am happy to provide a lesson by playing with you. For adults with fewer than 1100 masterpoints, this means that I will meet with you for up to 1/2 hour before playing time to go over our convention card. I will play with you, noting the bidding sequence and leads as we play. I usually refrain from making too many comments during the actual playing time. I will then stay and go over some of the issues that occurred during the session, looking at hand records if available, for up to 1/2 hour. The cost for this playing lesson service is my entry fee and $35, or schedule a set of 3 lessons for just $90.

For adults with 1100 masterpoints or more, I am happy to play with you for free if I can fit you into my schedule!

For high school age students and younger please see my scheduled rates on the Kids Bridge page.