I give the younger students a place to play bridge with others who are just starting out as well. All the players have completed at least a beginning set of lessons. The purpose is to give them the opportunity to practice and to speed up their play. It is free!You just need to sign up ahead of time. Parents are welcome to stay and watch! Call 816-237-0519 or e-mail to sign up and get directions. This is usually held in my home, unless the numbers signing up require a larger space. We hope to continue this starting some time in 2025. After building up speed, for those who are comfortable with the idea, we plan to go play at some of the Duplicate Bridge Clubs in the area.
Tentative Dates: Flyer coming in the spring!
May 30, June 6,13,27; July 11,18; Aug. 8, 15,22
Mo-Kan Bridge Academy is offering youth lessons and supervised play on Friday Mornings in conjunction with their duplicate game. They will offer a 45 minute lesson from 9:30 to 10:15, snack break until 10:30, and then continuing lesson/supervised play until noon. Any students the teacher deems ready for duplicate play may play in the duplicate game from 10:30 until about 1 for no additional charge if they wish, instead of playing in the supervised play until noon. Cost is $5 per student ages 8 and up! Adults are welcome to join the lessons for the same $5 as long as they bring a youth to learn too! Any adults switching to the duplicate game will need to pay an additional $3. This essentially gives the adults the lesson for free if they wish to play in the duplicate game. Sign up ahead of time is required. No need to attend every session. Mo-Kan will provide instruction at your skill level! Absolute beginners welcome. See the 2024 summer flyer or check out the Mo-Kan Bridge Academy website.
Here are some pictures from 2024 taken during the duplicate game.
Here’s some pictures taken at our last class of 2023.
I will play duplicate with you at a local club. The cost for this varies from free to $35, as follows: Kid prices: First 4 times I play with you, I’ll pay my own entry fee. Next 4 times I play with you, you’ll need to pay my entry fee. Playing with you time # 9 and above, you pay my entry fee and $35.
These kids had some fun in the spring 2022 Youth Lessons.
FALL 2019 HOMESCHOOL School Bridge Tournament
Playing hard in their end of class pupil game! Five Tables of kids ranging in age from 8 to 17!And the winners are: Sophia & Clare with a 79.92% game, (1st Overall & 1st EW)! Miles & Joseph came in 2nd overall (1st. NS) with a 57% game. 3rd overall (2nd NS) with a 56.64% game, some of our youngest players Lucy & Charlie! 4th overall (2nd EW) with a 52.83% game, Isabella & Theresa
Hear why bridge for kids is fun for a lifetime, from one of our newest life masters., Brian Zhang.
I will play with you online in a 12 board tournament. This includes a 15 minute phone call going over the convention card prior to the tournament followed by up to 20 minutes going over hands after the tournament. Cost for this online play is $15 plus my entry fee. Email, call, or text to set up a time and I’ll meet you online! An 18 board tournament is $25 plus my entry fee.
I am happy to provide a lesson by playing with you. For adults with fewer than 1100 masterpoints, this means that I will meet with you for up to 1/2 hour before playing time to go over our convention card. I will play with you, noting the bidding sequence and leads as we play. I usually refrain from making too many comments during the actual playing time. I will then stay and go over some of the issues that occurred during the session, looking at hand records if available, for up to 1/2 hour. The cost for this playing lesson service is my entry fee and $35, or schedule a set of 3 lessons for just $90.
For adults with 1100 masterpoints or more, I am happy to play with you for free if I can fit you into my schedule!
For high school age students and younger please see my scheduled rates on the Kids Bridge page.